Services are held each Sunday at 10:30 AM
In-person and via Livestream.
There’s plenty of parking on the streets, in our driveway, and at the school parking lot across the street from us.
As you enter our front door, you will be greeted by one of our members. The main church entrance (up our granite steps and through the double wooden doors) leads directly into the foyer where you’ll find a Welcome Table, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please stop by to sign in and receive a visitor’s name tag. You can also get additional information about current activities and events and find opportunities to meet with our minister after the service.
We also have a handicap entrance with easy access from the driveway in front of the Church.
You’ll notice a wide variety of dress from Sunday best to very informal and casual.
If you arrive early and would like to look around the building, please feel free! If you prefer a guided tour, just ask at the Welcome Table and we’ll be delighted to show you around. You will find literature about our Unitarian Universalist faith on the Welcome Table and we invite you to take whatever is of interest to you. To get to know us better, you can also check out our newsletter, the Good Shepherd.
The Service is held in the sanctuary and most Sundays is led by our, Minister, the Reverend Stephen Cook. Our worship services follows a traditional congregational outline with prelude, announcements, introit and call to worship, opening hymn, reciting the church’s covenant, a story for all ages, prayers, offering, readings, sermon, and closing hymn.
We begin and end each service by lighting and extinguishing the flaming chalice. Learn more about the Unitarian Universalist chalice here.
Complimentary coffee, tea, and refreshments are served following our service in the Parish Hall. If you need help finding anything else, such as the restroom or religious education classrooms, please don’t hesitate to ask. We want you to feel at home!
Various social events are held throughout the year, created especially to help new members get to know each other, long-standing members, and the church staff.
Children are always welcome at Hopedale Unitarian Parish and childcare is available.