Deepening the Journey


Deepening the Journey is the first step in both getting more involved in our congregation and in learning about our church.  This 3-hour interactive program is offered twice a year and it’s a great next step for those who are new to our congregation and/or new to Unitarian Universalism.

The Next Deepening the Journey Class is scheduled for:

February 2017 date and time TBA

Through discussions, activities, and presentations, participants will explore their own spiritual and religious history while learning about the history and beliefs of Unitarian Universalism. We’ll also talk about the history of our congregation, as well as its values, covenant, and mission. There will be plenty of time to answer any questions you may have.   We’ll provide refreshments and on-site childcare.  This program is a recommended before formally becoming a member of the congregation.

Registration is required. Please register by speaking with Rev. Tony, filling out a registration form at the church, or by using the web form below.

Deepening the Journey Registration Form