Welcoming Congregation Movie Night


6:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Hopedale Unitarian Parish
65 Hopedale Street, Hopedale, MA, 01747

Event Type

Saturday, May 21, starting about 6:45 pm. Runs 70 minutes and a discussion will follow.

“Out of the Past: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights in America”

Told through the eyes of Kelli Peterson, a 17-year-old high school student in Salt Lake City, Utah, “Out of the Past” explores Kelli’s history-making experience of forming a Gay-Straight Alliance in her public high school. The protests, legislative battles and national media attention serve as a modern counterpoint to the history of a human rights movement.

“We were up against a solid wall of ignorance,” wrote Henry Gerber of his efforts during the 1920s to launch the first gay rights organization in the United States. The struggles and triumphs of Gerber along with the incredible stories of civil rights activist Bayard Rustin and other important figures of American History are profiled in this powerful film.

This movie is not rated, but should be suitable for all.