Ideas for Donations to the HUP Goods and Services Auction:
- Tickets to Cultural or Sporting Events
- Use of a vacation home for a weekend or a week
- Host a Dinner or Theme Evening at your home
- Baked Goods (one baked good a month for a year, for example)
- Yard Work and/or Handyman Work
- Artwork, including textile art such as a quilt, knitted sweaters, etc.
- Gift certificates to various businesses (restaurants, massage therapy, car wash, etc)
- House Painting (interior or exterior)
- Memorabilia (signed photo of Tom Brady, etc)
- Homemade beer, wine, mead, etc
- House cleaning
If you pay for or obtain a donation from a third party, that person or business may be listed in the thanks and recognition list in our program, so check with them about that being OK.
Be creative. Everyone one of us has something we do that can be a service item for the auction. Everyone knows someone who provides a unique service or owns a business that can be asked for a donation of a gift certificate.
Previous year’s prizes included:
- Use of a Cape Cod vacation home for a weekend
- Patriots Tickets
- Oliva’s Market Dinner for 10 catering
- Nantucket Lightship Baskets
- Dustin Pedroia World Series Baseball
- Massage therapy sessions
- Yard Work and Handyman work
- Guitar Lessons
This year’s prizes already include:
- Foursomes of golf at Hopedale Country Club, Franklin Country Club, and other local courses.
- Jim Craig autographed USA Hockey game jersey
- David Krejci autographed photo
- Gift certificates to local restaurants
IF you have questions please contact Tracy and Bob Anderson at or by phone – Home: 508-478-4705 Cell:508-962-0235