Hopedale Unitarian Parish has a great history of eclectic, inspiring choral and instrumental music, a notable organ, and a superb choir singing genres from classical to spiritual to folk to Broadway and everything in between. We always seek and welcome new members!
JOIN US! – Rehearsals are at 7 pm on Thursdays and 9 am on Sundays (with coffee to follow).
When’s the right time to join the choir?
It’s ALWAYS the right time to join the choir!
Welcome, Welcome, one and all!
10. You get to be “lofty”
9. You can wear PJ’s in the loft and no one would know
8. It’s Fun!
7. You get to see what the rest of the congregation is doing
6. Singing relieves tension and promotes regularity
5. We keep candy up there and share it.
4. It’s Fun!
3. Singing increases mental acuity. If you sing in the choir you’ll know what that word means!
2. For a good time – join the choir.
1. Singing is good for the soul.