We have renewed our Red Wagon food collection and this month all contributions will go to the grocery table at Trinity Episcopal.
Below is from our Parish Administrator, Jody Buck:
“I drove by Trinity on my way to my comfortable warm home in Holliston. As I drove by, I observed a mother with a young child and an infant waiting
in the cold on the front steps of the Church. This was nearly two hours prior to the start of Thursday’s meal and pantry table. It is hard to imagine the desperation that had her waiting for so long in the cold. Please think of that family when considering your contribution to the Community Meal”
Non-perishable food can be added to our Red Wagon. Financial Contributions can be dropped into our collection plate, but please write “Community Meal” in the memo of your check. All cash contributions go to the community meal. We also accept online donations.
If you know of any business that would be willing to donate, please contact alicejacobson@comcast.net.